Development work of Boiler shade, tippler shed, pit top shed and winding room at 5,6 pit and 10,11 pit of Khaskajora Colliery under KKC Group of Mines.
16-Dec-2024 upto 11:00 Hrs.
17-Dec-2024 at 11:00 Hrs.
ECL/SLN/BNJ/Civil/NIQ/2024-25/8, dt. 03-Dec-2024
Repairing of Road from Bonjemihary Colony culvert to Jemari hume pipe culvert under Bonjemihary Colliery.
12-Dec-2024 upto 17:00 Hrs.
13-Dec-2024 at 15:30 Hrs.
ECL/MSP/SURVEY/Tender/24-25/08, dt. 03-Dec-2024
Digitally preparation of miscellaneous statutory mine plan and revenue map in 1:2000 RF and scale conversion in RF 4000: 1 of Madhusudanpur Colliery.
11-Dec-2024 upto 15:00 Hrs.
11-Dec-2024 at 15:30 Hrs.
ECL/MSP/SURVEY/Tender/24-25/07, dt. 02-Dec-2024
Plotting of Leasehold area of the mines of Madhusudanpur colliery on a common grid also Marking of ECL acquired land on revenue map for uploading the same on Gati Shakti Portal etc.
11-Dec-2024 upto 15:00 Hrs.
11-Dec-2024 at 15:30 Hrs.
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