Repairing of boundary wall, colour washing painting and cleaning jungle of Jahir sthan, Ishwar Marandi statur, Church &Iibrary and Children park premises at Bara Simra rehab site under Rajmahal Area.
Repairing and upgradation of toilet inside Dozer section complex ROCP.(2nd call).
14-Feb-2025 upto 18:55 Hrs.
15-Feb-2025 at 12:00 Hrs.
MDP/AGT/E&M/TN/2024-25/180, dt. 06-Feb-2025
Breakdown Maintenance of 11KV/3.3KV Over Head line at No. 5,6 pit of Madhaipur Colliery.
15-Feb-2025 upto 10:00 Hrs.
17-Feb-2025 at 10:00 Hrs.
AGT/PND/E&M/24-25/2109, dt. 25-Jan-2025
Supply and fitting of Vertical Tie Rod at Pit Bottom Haulage at Pit No B of Pandaveswar Colliery.
10-Feb-2025 upto 15:00 Hrs.
10-Feb-2025 at 17:00 Hrs.
AGT/PND/E&M/24-25/2144, dt. 01-Feb-2025
Repairing of 40 HP Tapered shaft induction motor for No 2 Pit at Pandaveswar Colliery.
10-Feb-2025 upto 15:00 Hrs.
10-Feb-2025 at 17:00 Hrs.
AGT/PND/E&M/24-25/2150, dt. 03-Feb-2025
Fabrication job of spares of level 1 dip and 0L 2 Dip haulage to deal breakdown situation at No 2 Pit.
11-Feb-2025 upto 15:00 Hrs.
11-Feb-2025 at 17:00 Hrs.
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