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ECL/MA/EXCV/E-TENDER/24-25/64, dt. 05-Mar-2025
(1) Repairing of 01 no 24 volt 11 KW Delco Remy self- starter and 0l no 24 volt, alternator for BEML Dozer sl. no. 13256 and Repairing of 01 no 24 volt Self-starter and 01 no 24 volt Alternator tor BEML BE-300 sl. no 16121 (2) Repairing of one(1) no of 24 volt 42 MT Delco remy self-starter and one (1) no 24 volt alternator for the BH35 Dumper Sl No 35226 and repairing of one (1) 24 volt self- starter and one (1) 24 volt alternator of EX350 TATA Hitachi Sl No.- 2518.
16-Mar-2025 upto 17:00 Hrs.
17-Mar-2025 at 09:00 Hrs.
ECL/MA/EXCV/E-TENDER/24-25/63, dt. 04-Mar-2025
(A) Repair of 01 nos, 24V, 11 KW Delco Remy self starters1 no for DI55 Dozer 13572 and 01 no Alternator of Dozer 13572 and1 no Alternator IDM30 Drill 201506858. (B)Repairing of two (2) numbers of failed Self Starters, 24-volt 11KW Delco Remy of BEML Excavator BE1000 SL-10240,L&T Excavator CK-300 SL-790 at Barmuri 0CP.
16-Mar-2025 upto 17:00 Hrs.
17-Mar-2025 at 09:00 Hrs.
ECL/MA/EXCV/E-TENDER/24-25/62, dt. 04-Mar-2025
(A) Repairing of both side 54 numbers hole of boss sprocket of D155 Dozer Sl. No.- 13452.
(B) Repairing of damaged front and rear belly guard by gas cutting of plates, straightening by gas heating and hammering, cracked portion V groove cutting and welding by steel rod, support plate cutting and welding at cracked portion and broken stud out by steel rod welding of brace assembly of Dozer Sl. No. 13452.
16-Mar-2025 upto 17:00 Hrs.
17-Mar-2025 at 09:00 Hrs.
ECL/MA/EXCV/E-TENDER/24-25/61, dt. 04-Mar-2025
(A) Repairing of radiator of dozer sl no 13494 & 13572 of Barmuri OCP (B) Repairing of radiator,radiator front and lower guard, side plate, bottom guard of accidental warranted BEML Excavator SL-10272 at Barmuri OCP.
16-Mar-2025 upto 17:00 Hrs.
17-Mar-2025 at 09:00 Hrs.
ECL/MA/EXCV/E-TENDER/24-25/60, dt. 04-Mar-2025
Repairing of Air conditioning system of BEML D-155 Dozer Sl no 13572 and Sl No- 13494 at Barmuri OCP.
16-Mar-2025 upto 17:00 Hrs.
17-Mar-2025 at 09:00 Hrs.
ECL/MA/EXCV/E-TENDER/24-25/59, dt. 04-Mar-2025
Repairing of blade assy of BEML D155 Dozers Sl No 13494 and dozer Sl No 13752 of Barmuri OCP.
16-Mar-2025 upto 17:00 Hrs.
17-Mar-2025 at 09:00 Hrs.
ECL/MA/EXCV/E-TENDER/24-25/58, dt. 06-Mar-2025
1. Replacement of undercarriage assembly and dismantling and fitting of Torque convertor assembly & UJ assembly in BEML Dozer D-155 13572 deployed at Barmuri OCP 2. Replacement of undercarriage assembly of B155 Sl-13494
16-Mar-2025 upto 17:00 Hrs.
17-Mar-2025 at 09:00 Hrs.
ECL/MA/EXCV/E-TENDER/24-25/57, dt. 04-Mar-2025
(A)Repairing of steering system of BH35-2 Dumper sl no: 35226 (B) Repairing/thread making in rear left side and right side final drive and slack adjuster of BH35-2 35226.
16-Mar-2025 upto 17:00 Hrs.
17-Mar-2025 at 09:00 Hrs.
ECL/MA/EXCV/E-TENDER/24-25/56, dt. 04-Mar-2025
(A)Repairing of LHS front hub assy of BH35-2 Dumper sl no: 35227 (B) Repairing of RHS and LSH front hub spindle assy of BH35 dumper Sl. No.- 35225.
16-Mar-2025 upto 17:00 Hrs.
17-Mar-2025 at 09:00 Hrs.
ECL/MA/EXCV/E-TENDER/24-25/55, dt. 03-Mar-2025
(1) Repairing of radiator of Shovel BE300 Sl No 16121 & L&T CK300 Shovel sl no 792 (2) Repairing of radiator of Dumper BH35-2 sl no 35226 and 35227.
14-Mar-2025 upto 17:00 Hrs.
15-Mar-2025 at 09:00 Hrs.
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