Hiding of exposed coal face by filing earth near 5 no. filter plant of Parasea Colliery inside of abandoned open cast mines under Parasea Group of Mines.
14-Mar-2025 upto 17:00 Hrs.
15-Mar-2025 at 17:00 Hrs.
ECL/AGENT/JUG/TENDER/24-25/362, dt. 05-Mar-2025
Enagagement of water tanker for dust supression at Jambad More under Kajora Area.
Erection/re-alignment of 02 Nos 10” dia MS pipe for diversion of two different pump 10UPH8 (1st) Pump & 10UPH8 (2nd) pump respectively in deep mine zone of Rajmahal OCP.
Erection/re-alignment of 8inch dia pipe line along with other miscellaneous jobs for installation of RKB pump set with Flyght Pump toward downward side at planned location near Lohandia new sump of Rajmahal OCP.
10-Mar-2025 upto 15:00 Hrs.
11-Mar-2025 at 15:30 Hrs.
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