Establishment of haulage roadway by supporting with roof bolting & corner side wall from 2WD/24L to 34L/3ED in R-VI (Bonbahal) Seam of Khottadih Colliery.
Reinsulation & Reformation of Transformer Coils of 1 MVA, 11KV/3.3KV Power Transformer (WS/Sl No:T-01) Primary Coil – BARREL & Secondary Coil- BARREL, Made of Copper Conductorat Poniati Workshop.
22-Mar-2025 upto 13:00 Hrs.
22-Mar-2025 at 13:30 Hrs.
ECL/MRW/GM/AGT/AE(C)/24-25/596, dt. 10-Mar-2025
Colour washing and Painting of Rest room at Mugma Regional Workshop.
18-Mar-2025 upto 17:00 Hrs.
19-Mar-2025 at 11:00 Hrs.
GM/SBA/EXCV/e-Tender/24-25/196, dt. 11-Mar-2025
Repairing of Driving Wheel (3536.05.02.061) nomenclature DWN3 applicable for EKG 10 Rope shovel.
24-Mar-2025 upto 12:00 Hrs.
25-Mar-2025 at 13:00 Hrs.
ECL/SSA/GM/E&M/E-NIT/2024-25/187, dt. 10-Mar-2025
Supply, installation and commissioning of NGR for 5 nos of power transformer at Ningah Colliery.
24-Mar-2025 upto 11:00 Hrs.
25-Mar-2025 at 12:00 Hrs.
ECL/SSA/GM/E&M/E-NIT/2024-25/185, dt. 10-Mar-2025
Supply and installation of Audio alarm and indicator for slow banking Zone for winder of Ningah Colliery under Satgram-Sripur Area.
24-Mar-2025 upto 11:00 Hrs.
25-Mar-2025 at 12:00 Hrs.
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